The interface provided by Shiny is based on the html elements, styling, and javascript provided by the Bootstrap library.
As we’ve seen so far, knowing the specifics of Bootstrap are not needed for working with Shiny - but understanding some of its conventions goes a long way to helping you customize the elements of your app (via custom CSS and other components).
This is not the only place that Bootstrap shows up in the R ecosystem - e.g. both RMarkdown and Quarto html documents use Bootstrap for styling as well.
shinydashboard limitations
The html interface elements in this package are based on a specific version of a style template called AdminLTE (v2) which is in turn based on Bootstrap (v3). Because of this additional template layer (and its bootstrap version dependency) we don’t have the flexibility to leverage bootstrap based theming using bslib.
Therefore theming options are limited to
Using one of the builtin color themes via the skin argument to dashboardPage()
# Based on layout-mixed sample app# =dashboardPage(skin ="blue", # blue, black, purple, green, red, yellowdashboardHeader(title ="Mixed layout"),dashboardSidebar(disable =TRUE),dashboardBody(fluidRow(box(title ="Box title",status ="primary",plotOutput("plot1", height =240) ),box(status ="warning",plotOutput("plot2", height =240) ) ),fluidRow(column(width =4,box(title ="Title 1", solidHeader =TRUE, status ="primary",width =NULL,sliderInput("orders", "Orders", min =1, max =500, value =120),radioButtons("fill", "Fill", inline =TRUE,c(None ="none", Blue ="blue", Black ="black", red ="red") ) ),box(width =NULL,background ="black","A box with a solid black background" ) ),column(width =4,box(title ="Title 2",solidHeader =TRUE,width =NULL,p("Box content here") ),box(title ="Title 5",width =NULL,background ="light-blue","A box with a solid light-blue background" ) ),column(width =4,box(title ="Title 3",solidHeader =TRUE, status ="warning",width =NULL,selectInput("spread", "Spread",choices =c("0%"=0, "20%"=20, "40%"=40, "60%"=60, "80%"=80, "100%"=100),selected ="60" ) ),box(title ="Title 6",width =NULL,background ="maroon","A box with a solid maroon background" ) ) ) ) ), server =function(input, output) {set.seed(122) histdata <-rnorm(500) output$plot1 <-renderPlot({if (is.null(input$orders) ||is.null(input$fill))return() data <- histdata[seq(1, input$orders)] color <- input$fillif (color =="none") color <-NULLhist(data, col = color) }) output$plot2 <-renderPlot({ spread <-as.numeric(input$spread) /100 x <-rnorm(1000) y <- x +rnorm(1000) * spreadplot(x, y, pch =".", col ="blue") }) })
The bslib R package provides a modern UI toolkit for Shiny and R Markdown based on Bootstrap. It facilitates:
Custom theming of Shiny apps and R Markdown documents.
Apps can even be themed interactively in real-time.
Use of modern versions of Bootstrap and Bootswatch
Shiny and R Markdown currently default to Bootstrap 3 and may continue to do so to maintain backwards compatibility.
Creation of delightful and customizable Shiny dashboards (next session!)
Due to the ubiquity of Bootstrap a large amount of community effort has gone into developing custom themes - a large free collection of these are available at
The object returned by bs_theme() can be passed to the theme argument of fluidPage() and similar page UI elements.
For flexdashboard the arguments are passed in via the front matter under theme:.
Simplified theming of ggplot2, lattice, and {base} R graphics. In addition to providing a centralized approach to styling R graphics, thematic also enables automatic styling of R plots in Shiny, R Markdown, and RStudio.
In the case of our flexdashboard (or other shiny app), all we need to do is to include a call to thematic_shiny() before the app is loaded.
Using the value "auto" will attempt to resolve the bg, fg, accent, or font values at plot time.