Getting Started with Shiny
Theming & Publishing

Colin Rundel


Shiny & bootstrap

The interface provided by Shiny is based on the html elements, styling, and javascript provided by the Bootstrap library.

As we’ve seen so far, knowing the specifics of Bootstrap are not needed for working with Shiny - but understanding some of its conventions goes a long way to helping you customize the elements of your app (via custom CSS and other components).

This is not the only place that Bootstrap shows up in the R ecosystem - e.g. both RMarkdown and Quarto html documents use Bootstrap for styling as well.


Due to the ubiquity of Bootstrap a large amount of community effort has gone into developing custom themes - a large free collection of these are available at


The bslib R package provides a modern UI toolkit for Shiny and R Markdown based on Bootstrap. It facilitates:

  • Creation of delightful and customizable Shiny dashboards.

    • The underlying UI components (e.g., cards, value boxes, sidebars, etc) are also designed to work in other contexts (e.g., in R Markdown).
  • Custom theming of Shiny apps and R Markdown documents.

    • Apps can even be themed interactively in real-time.
  • Use of modern versions of Bootstrap and Bootswatch

    • Shiny and R Markdown currently default to Bootstrap 3 and may continue to do so to maintain backwards compatibility.


Provides a high level interface to adjusting the theme for an entire Shiny app,

  • Change bootstrap version via version argument

  • Pick a bootswatch theme via bootswatch argument

  • Adjust basic color palette (bg, fg, primary, secondary, etc.)

  • Adjust fonts (base_font, code_font, heading_font, font_scale)

  • and more

The object returned by bs_theme() can be passed to the theme argument of fluidPage() and similar page UI elements.


Simplified theming of ggplot2, lattice, and {base} R graphics. In addition to providing a centralized approach to styling R graphics, thematic also enables automatic styling of R plots in Shiny, R Markdown, and RStudio.

In the case of our flexdashboard (or other shiny app), all we need to do is to include a call to thematic_shiny() before the app is loaded.

  • Using the value "auto" will attempt to resolve the bg, fg, accent, or font values at plot time.

Demo 09 - Dynamic theming



d = readr::read_csv(here::here("data/weather.csv"))

d_vars = d |>
  select(where(is.numeric)) |>

thematic::thematic_shiny(bg = "auto", fg = "auto", font = "auto")

  ui = fluidPage(
    theme = bslib::bs_theme(),
    titlePanel("Weather Forecasts"),
          "city", "Select a city",
          choices = unique(d$city),
          multiple = TRUE
          "var", "Select a variable",
          choices = d_vars, selected = "temp"
        actionButton("b1", "primary",   class = "btn-primary"),
        actionButton("b2", "secondary", class = "btn-secondary"),
        actionButton("b3", "success",   class = "btn-success"),
        actionButton("b4", "info",      class = "btn-info"),
        actionButton("b5", "warning",   class = "btn-warning"),
        actionButton("b6", "danger",    class = "btn-danger")
  server = function(input, output, session) {
    d_city = reactive({
      d |>
        filter(city %in% input$city)
    output$plot = renderPlot({
      d_city() |>
        ggplot(aes(x=time,[[input$var]], color=city)) +
        ggtitle(input$var) +

Your turn - Exercise 06

Using code provided in exercises/ex06.R (which is the same as Demo 9’s) experiment with bslib’s themer tool to explore different themes .

  • Try changing the main theme as well as the foreground and background colors

  • Try changing one or more of the accent colors

  • Try the fonts being used (e.g. Prompt, roboto, Oswald, Fira Sans) and changing the base font size


Deploying Shiny apps

Your turn - Exercise 07

Go to and sign up for an account.

  • You can create a new account via email & a password

  • or via o-auth through Google or GitHub.

If asked to pick a plan, use the Free option (more than sufficient for our needs here)


Organizing your app

For deployment generally apps will be organized as a single folder that contains all the necessary components (R script, data files, other static content).

  • Pay attention to the nature of any paths used in your code

    • Absolute paths are almost certainly going to break

    • Relative paths should be to the root of the app folder

  • Static files (e.g. css, js, etc.) generally are placed in the www/ subfolder

  • Your script does not need to be named app.R or ui.R/server.R

  • Check / think about package dependencies

Your turn - Exercise 08

Now we will publish one of the demo apps to (you will need to have completed Exercise 7)

  1. Package up ex08.R as an app in exercises/ex08app (you will need to create this folder) - make sure to copy the data (weather.csv) into this folder and adjust any paths if necessary

  2. Open the script file in exercises/ex08app and click the Publish Document button in the upper right of the pane (look for the icon)

    • You should be presented with the “Publish to server”, click on the Add New Account link in the upper right

    • Select and follow the instructions to connect

    • When retrieving your token for shinyapps.ip you may need to click Dashboard first and then your name (both in the upper right)

Your turn - Exercise 08 (cont.)

  1. Once authenticated you should be back at the “Publish to server” dialog, use this to select which files to include (select your script and data file)

  2. Your Shiny app should now be deploying and should open on once live - check to see if everything works, if not go back and check Steps 1 and 3.


Other publishing options

  • For other R users - you can share your script(s) and data directly

    • or better yet, bundle them into an R package
  • Run a local instance of shiny server

  • Use (public) or (within team)

  • License Posit Connect