Profile the LEGO Bricks App

Access Instructions

The project used for this particular exercise is hosted on Posit Cloud in this space. The project for this exercise is called Performance Exercise 1.


Using what you just learned about the {profvis}, your task is to run the profiler for the LEGO Bricks application contained in this project. Recall that to run the profiler in a Shiny app created with {golem}, change the run_app() call at the end of the dev/run_dev.R script to the following:


Once the application is open, try changing a couple of the inputs contained in the sidebar. Once the outputs in the app refresh, close the profiler by stopping the R process in the R console. You should now see the {profvis} report appear as a new tab in your web browser.


  • Are you able to identify any performance bottlenecks in the application?
  • If so, can you think of ways to fix the issues?