Advanced Quarto with R & RStudio

Projects, Websites, Books, and More

1-day workshop

Andrew Bray

Starts on

September 18, 2023


This workshop will prepare you to author a rich array of documents in Quarto, the next generation of R Markdown. Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system that offers multilingual programming language support to create dynamic and static documents, books, presentations, blogs, and other online resources.

The focus for this workshop will be on projects that weave together multiple documents and allow you to write books and build websites. You will also learn various ways to deploy and publish your Quarto projects on the web.


This course is for you if you:

  • have a basic knowledge of how to use the RStudio IDE.

  • have experience working with single R Markdown and/or Quarto files.

  • are excited to author multi-document projects like books, websites, and blogs.

Participants who are new to computational documents will benefit from taking Intro to Quarto with R and RStudio: Documents and Presentations before joining this workshop.


Andrew Bray is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley where he develops and teaches courses in statistics and data science. His research interests include statistical computing, data privacy, and applications of statistical models to solve real world problems. He was previously an Associate Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics at Reed College and an NSF Five Colleges postdoctoral fellow in western Massachusetts.