Getting Started with Shiny for Python

1-day workshop

Joe Cheng & Gordon Shotwell

Starts on

September 17, 2023


Shiny for Python is a new framework for building performant, beautiful web applications in Python. In this one-day workshop, you will learn the basic building blocks of a Shiny application which will let you create both quick, simple applications and elaborate mission-critical ones.

In particular this workshop will cover:

  • The basics of building a Shiny for Python app
  • When to use reactive calculations and reactive effects
  • How modules can help you develop reusable components
  • Theming and deploying your application

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Build a Shiny app in Python
  • Articulate how Shiny differs from other frameworks
  • Utilize best practices to make sure your app is robust and scalable


  1. What if I’m a complete beginner?

You should have a basic understanding of Python and be able to install packages with pip, do basic data manipulation, and draw plots.

  1. What if I’ve never built a Shiny app before?

This workshops doesn’t require any Shiny or web application experience. We will start from scratch to build simple applications before moving on to more complex ones.

  1. Why should I learn Shiny if I already know Streamlit or Dash?

We believe that Shiny is the best framework for building data applications in Python. It’s reactive execution model means that you can build performant applications without explicitly caching data or managing application state. See this blog post for more on why we think that Shiny is worth learning.

  1. I’m an expert with Shiny for R, is this workshop for me?

The R and Python Shiny packages are quite similar, so some of the content in this workshop may be familiar to you. That said it’s a great opportunity to fill in missing pieces and ask question about Python best practices. Check out our quickstart guide for R users and this tutorial if you want to quickly get up to speed with Shiny for Python.


This course is for you if you are:

  • An R programmer interested in building Shiny apps in Python
  • A Python programmer interested in quickly building efficient web applications
  • An educator interested in integration Shiny apps into your python course


Joe Cheng is the CTO of Posit and creator of Shiny.
Gordon Shotwell is a Software Engineer on the Shiny team.