Lab: Deploy Quarto with GHA


  • To get familiar with how the renv package helps create reproducible environments for your R projects.

  • To get comfortable using the terminal for interacting with git and github.

  • To understand how to authenticate to github using HTTPS.

  • To practice writing and reading a yaml file.

  • To understand the basics of a quarto website.

  • To deploy a quarto site to Github Pages using Github Actions for Continuous Deployment. This will allow you to update your site every time you push a commit to git.


  1. To setup your cloud-based development environment create an account using your email at with code devops_workshop. Click on the Rstudio Workbench widget to start your environment.
  2. Click on + New Session to create a new Rstudio Pro session.

You can also set up your project in your local IDE but then you will need to install Quarto and other environment dependencies.

Part 1: Create a local Quarto website

Quarto is a multi-lingual open-source scientific and technical publishing system that lets you create documents, articles, blogs, websites, and more.

  1. Open a session in your workbench environment. Give it a name.

  2. To create a new website project within RStudio, click on File > New Project > New Directory > Quarto Website and save it to a directory with a name.

_quarto.yml - project file

about.qmd - About page

index.qmd - Home page

styles.css - custom CSS

_site - this will be created after you render your files

  1. Press render to see your new website! Or preview via terminal with quarto preview. Make sure that your web browser allows popups. This may take a few moments to install some required packages.

  2. Create a repository on github but do not initialize it with a README, license, or gitignore files. This repo will host the files for the site that you will be deploying to Github Pages.

    • Name your repository where username is your github username. If you already have this name in use, then name your repo quarto_website
  3. Open the terminal tab in your Rstudio Workbench environment, cd into your project directory.

  4. Initialize a local git repository with git init.

  5. Rename your master branch to main so that branch names are consistent across your github repo and your local git. You can use git branch to see what branches exist on your repo and switch between them using git checkout <branch>.

# in your terminal
git branch -m master main
  1. Configure your github information in the terminal. To set your global commit name and email address run the git config command with the --global option:

    git config --global "Your Name"
    git config --global ""
    git config --global init.defaultBranch main

    Once done, you can confirm that the information is set by running:

    git config --list
  2. Create a .gitignore file in your main directory. Add the following to the file and save:


Part 2: renv workflow

  1. Exercises:
    • Run .libPaths() to see your library path
    • Run lapply(.libPaths(), list.files) to see what is in your library directory
  2. Install and initialize an renv workflow.
  • Install the renv package with install.packages("renv")

  • Run renv::init() in your console to initialize a new project-local environment with a private R library and click yes to the prompt.

  • Change the title of your site in index.qmd and try adding a library. After you’ve done some work on your code take a snapshot with renv::snapshot()

  • Run .libPaths() and lapply(.libPaths(), list.files)again. What has changed?

  • Recreate your environment when collaborating or coming back to your work with renv::restore()

  • (Optional) Learning how to use all the power of Quarto is beyond the scope of this workshop but you can use the below resources to play around with difference templates and designs for your new website.

Part 3: Version Control and Authentication with Github

  1. We will need to securely authenticate from our server environment to the server that lives on Github. You can do this via two different authentication mechanisms - SSH or HTTPS. Note that there are two urls created for your repo on github- one is for https and the other is for SSH.


  1. Copy the https repository URL that you created.

  2. Create a classic personal access token and give it permissions to your repository for “repo”, “user”, and “workflow”. Make sure to note your token somewhere safe.

  3. Install usethis with install.packages("usethis")

  4. Save your PAT with


Version Control:

  1. Add your files to local version control with git add . in the terminal.
  2. Commit your files with git commit -m "my first commit"
  3. Using the https url from github add your github repository as the “remote” with git remote add origin
  4. Push your local files to github with git push -u origin main where main is the name of your branch in github. You will be prompted for a username and password. Enter your github username and the personal access token from above as your password.



  1. Copy the SSH repository URL that you created.

  2. Generate a new SSH key on your server - open the terminal tab in your Rstudio Workbench environment and type ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" . Press enter 3 times to leave the file path as the default and to leave the passphrase blank.

  3. Start the ssh-agent with eval "$(ssh-agent -s)". The ssh-agent is a key manager for SSH. It holds your keys and certificates in memory, un-encrypted, and ready for use by ssh.

  4. Create a new hidden file (dot files and directories are hidden but you can see them with ls -la) with touch ~/.ssh/config .

  5. Edit the file using vi or vim and then add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent. Use the cheat sheet below for common vim commands.

vim touch ~/.ssh/config
i # to get into insert mode
  IgnoreUnknown UseKeychain
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
# Press the escape key to exit insert mode
:wq # to save and exit out of the file
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  1. Copy your public key with cat ~/.ssh/
  2. In your Github account go to Settings > SSH and GPG Keys, and add your SSH key. Give it a name like “workbench key.”

Version Control:

  1. Add your files to local version control with git add .
  2. Commit your files with git commit -m "my first commit"
  3. Using the https url from github add your github repository as the “remote” with git remote add origin
  4. Push your local files to github with git push -u origin main where main is the name of your branch in github. Type yes to add github to your list of known hosts.


Github CLI

To learn more about the Github CLI and the gh package please check out this article.

Part 4: Publish using GHA

  1. We need to create a gh-pages branch to publish to github pages.
git status # - make sure everything is committed! 
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git reset --hard # make sure you've committed changes before running this!
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initialising gh-pages branch"
git push origin gh-pages
git checkout main
  1. Go to Settings > Pages in your github repository and make sure that your site is being built from the gh-pages branch.

  1. In your terminal run quarto publish gh-pages and click Yes to the prompt to update the site.
  2. Your site should now be live!
  3. Create a github action called publish.yaml and save it in .github/workflows:
mkdir .github
cd .github
mkdir workflows
cd workflows
touch publish.yaml
  1. Edit the publish.yaml file:
name: Deploy quarto site to Github Pages

    branches: ['main']

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: write
      - name: Check out repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Set up Quarto
        uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2

      - name: Install R
        uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
          r-version: '4.2.3'
          use-public-rspm: true

      - name: Setup renv and install packages
        uses: r-lib/actions/setup-renv@v2
          cache-version: 1

      - name: Render and Publish
        uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/publish@v2
          target: gh-pages
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  1. Snapshot your renv environment with renv::snapshot.

  2. Commit and push your code: (Make sure that your renv.lock file has been added!)

git add .
git commit -m "created action"
git push
  1. Go to the actions tab in your Github repository and watch your deploy!

Part 5: Publish to Connect with GHA

  1. Create an API key on the Connect website. Note this API somewhere safe as you will be using it multiple times in this workshop.

  1. Add the Connect URL and your API key to your Github repository:
  • In your repository go to Settings > Security > Secrets and variables > Actions

  • Add 2 secrets:

  1. The rsconnect package needs to be explicitly called in your code to be correctly snapshot in your lock file. Install it and call it in one of your files.
  1. Edit your publish.yaml file:
      - main
name: Quarto and Connect Publish
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: write
      - name: Check out repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up Quarto
        uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2
      - name: Install R
        uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
          r-version: 4.2.3
          use-public-rspm: true
      - name: Setup renv and install packages
        uses: r-lib/actions/setup-renv@v2
          cache-version: 1
      - name: Render and Publish
        uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/publish@v2
          target: gh-pages
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check out repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up Quarto
        uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2
      - name: Install R
        uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
          r-version: 4.2.3
          use-public-rspm: true
      - name: Setup renv and install packages
        uses: r-lib/actions/setup-renv@v2
      - name: Create manifest.json
        shell: Rscript {0}
        run: |
      - name: Publish Connect content
        uses: rstudio/actions/connect-publish@main
          url: ${{ secrets.CONNECT_SERVER }}
          api-key: ${{ secrets.CONNECT_API_KEY }}
          access-type: logged_in
          dir: |